IIT Hyderabad
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Interdisciplinary PhD Program
IIT Hyderabad announces Interdisciplinary (ID) PhD program for enthusiastic aspirants exploring the interface of various science and engineering disciplines. The interdisciplinary PhD program is coordinated by the Center for Interdisciplinary Programs (CIP).
The ID PhD Program involves rigorous course work (12 or 24 credits depending on the background of students) followed by research work in their chosen area leading to a doctoral thesis.
Start Date of Application: 21st March 2025Duration: Five Years
Admission: The admission into this program is offered against specified research projects proposed jointly by the faculty members from two different departments (supervisors) based on an interview conducted by the ID PhD Admission Committee.
Application Instructions and Requirements
The applicants are requested to consider the following instructions while applying for the ID PhD Program. Please note that the registered email address will only be utilised for further communications. The Interdisciplinary Proposal Number and Priority is to be entered in the Area of Intrest tab. Applications can be submitted by choosing up to a maximum of Two research areas as mentioned in the list of Projects given below.
Project-wise eligibility are mentioned in the list of projects. Candidates are requested to verify the Essential and Desirable Qualification before opting the project. Candidates with B.Tech from IITs and IISERs ( and other CFTI) may apply without GATE Score.Application Fee
•      All GEN/EWS/OBC : Rs.500/-•      All SC/ST/PwD : Rs.250/-
•      All Females : Rs.250/-
The application fee is being accepted through SBI-Collect portal. At the time of fee payment, the applicant is required to save the reference SBCollect document received from the bank for future.•      Save 'SBCollect Reference Number' in Payment Reference Number of the Application.
•      Provide the SBI Challan Reference Number in the Application
•      Upload the reference document by clicking the link provided in Application
Click here to Apply
The applicant called for the Written test/Interview is required to carry all the supporting documents, printout of the application, payment reference document and certificates.
"Incomplete application will not be accepted"
List of Interdisciplinary Projects with the Project Numbers
The Institute has formalized "Six" research verticals as part of CIP interdisciplinary PhD program.
○      Artificial Intelligence, Computing, Communications & Networks○      Bioengineering& Healthcare
○      Energy, Environment, Creative Design & Management
○      Novel Materials & Computational Techniques
○      Soft and Active Matter & Mechanics of Materials
○      Robotics, Biomimetics & Instrumentation